Tuesday 26 February 2008

Facebook applications

This week`s blog is on face book applications well I don’t really use face book, made an account just for this, so I don’t know too much about the applications but here goes:

The main one I see my mates using is the Petrol heads application, it is a little game in which you pick a starting car and proceed to race other face book users who have this application. To start you compare cars and then if you want to race them you click the race button whoever wins the race will win points, you can have ten races a day, so make sure you are going to win. Other people can race you and that is another way to get points which build up and eventually when you have enough points you can get another car. There are many levels of cars and each increase in level requires more points, so obviously the best cars cost the most points. Everyone’s goal is too get the best car but it also shows statistics like how many wins and loses you have had so you can compare to your friends to see who is the best, which makes it very addictive.

Another one that looked fun was the super wall which is a popular Face book application that puts videos, audio, pictures and Flash embeds on the Face book wall. The super wall was developed by RockYou and there are 2.5M active users and 100,000 new users per day. That might be to due to the fact that it aggressively tries to invite your friends to use your wall, making it hard to opt out. This application may soon be obsolete though because it required that the wall was replaced by a new one and Face book has just added the ability for developers to put rich media on the original wall itself.

Some others that I have heard of that sound like good fun, listed in the order I would have them:

1. Top Friends. Flatter your best mates by putting them in your Top Friends box and insult all your others by leaving them out.
2. Beers. Buy virtual beers for friends. Not as much fun as buying real beers in the real world, but better for your waistline.
3. What's Your Stripper Name? – If you ever want a career change.
4. Poker. Play Texas Hold'em with virtual money against other Face book users.
5. Graffiti. Let your mates scribble all over your profile.
6. Super Poke! Like the poke feature except a few more actions.
7. Games. A decent collection of online games playable via Face book. Be warned, this will waste hours of your day.
8. Console Identities. Display your Xbox Live Gamer tag, PlayStation Network ID, or Wii Friend Code on your profile. Cool.
9. Zombies, it's actually fun infecting people. Lol
10. Moods. Splatter emoticons on your profile to show whether you're sad, grumpy or joyful.

What makes a good face book application? Well the main feature has to be its interaction between hundreds of users, the ability to be used by anyone visiting the site and the fun appeal of the application. It needs to be addictive and have a goal for the user to achieve.

Anyway hope you enjoy reading that wall of text. :)

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